Starting to Bring the Harvest Home

Starting to Bring the Harvest Home

You can’t live in Algarkirk without being aware of the agricultural seasons, and the bringing in of the harvest is perhaps the most obvious of all.

We shall be celebrating it at St Peter and St Paul’s with a service on the 4th October at 11.00pm followed by a lunch at the Village Hall – from 12.00 noon. Everyone is very welcome to join us for either or both. Tickets for the lunch and auction are £5  and are available from Pinchin’s Farm Shop or call 460638. If anyone has items to donate for the auction, again, please call 460638. We would be very grateful. We still need to raise a lot of money to replace the lead that was stolen from the roof, and every little helps.

We are also harvesting some of the benefits of the hard work that has gone into the Church restoration project. Last month we had a very successful Heritage Open Day with medieval musicians and craftsmen adding to the fun. It was great to see the children dressed up in their historic costumes too. Our thanks to all those who helped out and made it a really good day.

There have been lots of other training days too, in specialised types of activities. Everything from tracing local history through the churchyard to making glass or gilding. These have all proved very popular and will help St Peter and St Paul’s to become an outpost of Lincolnshire’s Heritage programme.

The Crafty Coffee Club is established now too as a regular community event with a meeting on every 4th Wednesday of the month. Do come along and  share in the fun, There is no charge and lots of opportunities to try new things or to share your experience with others.

We are also getting the first fruits from the architects and specialists who are looking at the work that needs to be undertaken at the church to ensure the building is safe and strong for the village now and in generations to come (not just repairing the roof, but also how we can heat the building enough to be able to use it throughout the year!)  We will be arranging a meeting before the end of the year so that everyone will have the chance to come and see the plans and give their feedback. It is really important that the whole community has a chance to have their say in the future of their church!

We shall be arranging other activities for the Christmas period, so do keep an eye out on the website and on the notice boards. In particular, we have a woad talk and demonstration on the 8th October, in the village hall at 7.00pm. Woad was historically a very valuable crop in Algarkirk and the area.  It was even mentioned in the doomsday book. And, the connection lasted because Algarkirk had the very last working mill in the country!  Do come along and find out more about this aspect of our village history.

Happy Harvest!