As many of you will know Algarkirk Church, often referred to as the ” Mini Cathedral of the Fens” has been awarded an amazing £1.7 million towards its major restoration from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Emergency work will begin very soon on removing a fruiting fungus and a considerable amount of infected timbers and flooring, then will follow chemical spraying all before major structural works commence in early 2019.
To facilitate this work safely and in accordance with Health and Safety requirements SS Peter & Paul Church Algarkirk will temporarily close on Sunday October 14th just before British Summertime ends.
There will be a special liturgy on that day at 3:00pm to remove the sacred vessels and vestments etc in preparation for major building works early in the New Year and to give thanks for the many blessings countless generations have received within these sacred walls. The temporary closure could be until early 2020 when the major structural work is complete, and then we enter the final phase of the restoration project in terms of formulating our new worship patterns and business plan for the building to move into its new future.
The timing of this closure alleviates the dark and cold days of winter in a building without adequate heating.
The Church will continue to be prayed in by your priests once a week on Wednesdays at 12-15pm even in some cases with hard hats. This will allow us to hold on to the fact that this a God given treasure in our midst, and daily speaks and points us Godward!
There will be an encouragement for our present regular congregation to actively and enthusiastically engage with the three neighbouring parish churches of St Mary in Sutterton, All Saints in Fosdyke and SS Peter & Paul in Kirton.
There will be regular reviews of our progress via PCC meetings and AMPG meetings.
As a congregation dispersed over the next two years we will need to meet regularly as a PCC and as a congregation socially and for business matters. It is my hope that as a congregation we can study a book entitled “Houses of Prayer” by Ray Simpson.
As your priest it is my pledge to you all that I will continue to invest quality time in the pastoral care of the parish during this work, and to strengthen ministries such as Messy Church and other ministries that are currently supported by the Church.
We will need to keep our eye on Stewardship matters and the healthy growth of church finances in order to be in a stronger position when the church re-opens.
Please contact Fr Paul Blanch on 01205 624128 for further details regarding baptism, weddings and funerals.